Zakath is one of the "Must Do" Obligations in Islam. The whole Concept of Zakath is to Minimize the Number of the Poor People in the Community. But, unfortunately the count is increasing every year instead.
Many wealthy and capable people are issuing their share of Zakath themselves directly to the Poor which would split into many parts and would be shared to many people. So mostly each one of them will receive a small amount which wouldn't solve even a fraction of their problems most of the time. Therefore, individually giving Zakaths should be avoided if it cannot solve at least one of the Receivers problem completely.
When Many Zakath givers joined together and try to issue their combined amount of zakath. That would be an effective way of providing Zakath due to the total amount being bigger. Therefore the chances also would be higher to resolve many People's issues completely.
This is called "Combined Zakath", a method which is currently practiced by many Mosques and they are encouraging every Zakath givers to join this Process as well.
But, The Question is Are they doing it Right? Is this process making the distribution better by giving the Zakath to the people who deserve? Are they unbiased? There are many other questions that need to be answered since Zakath is not reaching many Deserving People from the mosques. Some are getting zakath from mosque every year. Some are getting as little as 5% of what they actually need and it is sufficient for fulfilling their basic needs of a few days. Some of these people are getting eligible through recommendations of some of the trustee group members which blocks the ones that actually need the Zakath much more than them. What kind of an unbalanced system is this? Is this why combined Zakath is being encouraged? If it is that case, what is the meaning of combined zakath? What is the point of everyone coming together to collect a considerably large amount of money if they cannot even resolve the long term financial issues of a single family? This does not seem much different from political play. Proper analyses must be carried out to find the most needy and this process must be automated so that there will be no human influence in it.
Every Year a month before the zakath giving day, in every Mahalla for each house from wealthy to the poor, a form should be given to get the information about their financial status and their other needs etc. and that particular Mahalla mosque trustee board should verify whether the provided information are correct by meeting them in person privately and observing. After the verification process they should prioritize the people, and that prioritized list should be given to the main mosque which is going to issue the Zakath. When the Main mosque receives every Mahalla's priority list they should analyze and get a final priority list. According to it zakath should be provided one by one in the list solving their complete problems long term and the people who takes Zakath must become ineligible for the next two year's list. This automation can become a big milestone in achieving what the actual intentions of the Zakath process are and these steps will help us rise as a community fighting poverty.
Well said